Oracle CC&B Services

Business Consulting & System Configuration

Configuration controls application behavior allowing CC&B to meet the needs of many utilities.  We work with your business to determine how the system should be configured to meet yours.

Data Migration

Accurate and timely data migrations are a cornerstone of project success.   We map data from source to target, develop transformation rules, validate and reconcile your valued data. We'll provide you with a repeatable process you can trust.

Application Extension

While Oracle CC&B can meet the needs of most utilities via 'base',  markets have their nuances and your business may want to do more to gain  or maintain a competitive edge.  When 'base' is not enough we work with you to make CC&B the best solution for you.


The number of integrations between customer information applications like CC&B and other applications is perpetually increasing and integration methods vary.  We are familiar and fluent with all common integration approaches for seamless integrations using methods that will work best for you.